On 7 October 2012 within the framework of implementing Second National Hydromet Modernization Project a seminar workshop was held in Moscow on the results of the implementation of the First National Hydromet Modernization Project (RosHydroMet-1) outlining the tasks for the coming period for the conduct of RosHydroMet-2 with the theme: “Weather forecasting in the 21st century: A Russian view. An effective hydrometeorological service as a real factor which can increase the safety of citizens and allow sustainable development of the economy.”
The seminar workshop was attended by employees of the central Roshydromet office as well as from its territorial sub-offices, the heads and specialists of Roshydromet agencies, representatives of the World Bank, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, of state administration bodies, of interested parties from industrial sectors, as well as members from the Project Implementation Unit, the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
During the seminar workshop reports were given by the technical and regional coordinators of the Project as well as representatives of the research institutes of Roshydromet on the results of the implementation of the RosHydroMet-1 Project and on the aims and tasks for the term of the implementation of the RosHydroMet-2 Project. The representative of the World Bank, V. Tsirkunov, also gave a report on the experience of the World Bank in implementing modernization projects of hydrometeorological services.
At the end of the seminar workshop, a round table was held on the topic "The effectiveness of using hydrometeorological information by the economic sectors of the Russian Federation.” It was attended by representatives of concerned government bodies as well as consumers of hydrometeorological information.