On August 11, 2005, the Russian Federation and the IBRD signed a Loan Agreement (Loan #4769 RU) for financing the National Hydromet Modernization Project providing for a Loan to be granted to the Russian Federation in an amount of USD 80 million.
On December 12, 2005, the Loan Agreement for financing the National Hydromet Modernization Project came into effect.
The BEA Foundation as the Project Implementation Unit is to be in charge of technical functions under the Project, including procurement, finance management and Project fund disbursement.
The objectives of the Project are to: (i) improve Rоshydromet’s capacity to provide meteorological and hydrological services and assure their effective and timely delivery to the Government and the public; and (ii) mitigate environmental risks to life and the economy from unfavorable weather conditions.
The Project should improve the capacity to provide weather forecasts and the quality of hydrometeorological services in Russia, including:
More accurate weather forecasts with greater lead time resulting in reduced damage to property and loss of life due to extreme weather events;
Improved transmission of data within Russia and beyond;
Increased accessibility of hydrometeorological data.
Project Objectives:
Modernization of computing, archiving and telecommunication facilities;
Upgrading of the observation networks;
Institutional strengthening, improvements in the dissemination of information and emergency preparedness.
Modernization efforts under the Project include:
Modernization of the World Meteorological Center (WMC) in Moscow and data storage and archiving facilities in Obninsk;
Restructuring of Regional Meteorological Centers (RMCs) in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk and modernization of Main Geophysical Observatory (GGO) in St. Petersburg;
Modernization of the communications and data transmission system.
Upgrading efforts of the observation networks cover the following objects:
Surface observation network;
Aerological (Upper-air) network;
Meteorological radars and lightning detection;
Some of the regional hydrometeorological centers;
Hydrological network.
Institutional strengthening includes the following activities:
Strengthening of institutional structure;
Client service system;
Emergency preparedness and response.